The launch


Well, my first ever blog, for someone who always has so much to say but at the same time is a very private person, this sharing thing is a strange concept for me.

What a mad time the last few months have been.  Trying to get the online shop ready to go live for someone who knows nothing about computers has certainly been super challenging.  I have to thank my husband James who has been a huge help, I could never have managed this without him.  We've had so many late nights and days where I've felt like packing it all in and 3 children and a dog who have all been so neglected, they've never had so many takeaways!  First job after launch is to make them homemade soup and get some decent food into them.

I've really taken my time to create a collection of scents that will be enjoyed by you and maybe the scents will bring back some memories for you.  New fragrances will be added in the future as will new products.

The candles will hopefully be introduced at the beginning of next year.  We've just had so much to do in so little time, we were determined to have the shop go live before Christmas (this Christmas unfortunately).  

I love every minute of my job and working for myself allows me to be here for my children, one was recently diagnosed with Aspergers so it makes it easier if I am available for him through the day, it helps him cope better.  

Well, it's only a few weeks until Christmas, thankfully I'm organised, I love Christmastime, we've had Christmas music on since November and Christmas movies being played since October (not me, the girls), so we're already in the spirit of things.  The house is all twinkly and of course, we have lovely Christmas smells wafting through the rooms, I just want to enjoy the build-up to it and spend time with my children.  

I would like to thank you for taking the time to come look at our shop and would like to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas, remember its just one day, don't stress it!

See you all in 2020!




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